Tuesday, 9 October 2012


The mobile movement is a global phenomenon with smartphone adoption increasing worldwide. Smartphones are becoming indispensable to our daily lives and transforming core consumer behavior. The adoption of smartphones has given rise to a massive shift in consumer behavior.”


Facts stated and numbers given. So here's the deal, as you can see in the picture – 51% use their smartphones while listening to music, 52% use their smartphones while watching tv, 86% use their smartphones while consuming other media, 35% make purchases on their smartphone, 32% change their minds about buying a product while in store as a result of researching on their smartphones and 96% research a product or service on their smartphones.

In today's generation there is but a small percentage of people who are not using phones. There is a smaller percentage of people who do not use phones while using other devices, such as laptops, personal computers, tablets and other electronic devices. Having said this, it is easy to note that our world is leading us to a different kind of lifestyle. But let me stress on the 35% who make purchases on their smartphones, yes this sounds pretty few but what is 35% of 1 billion internet users? Not just this, another study shows that 90% of internet consumers tend to start searching an item on one device then shift to another device to make the purchase. Imagine how many people use these tools everyday and imagine how many of malwares are out there ready to strike and infect them in seconds. Given the statistics, there is little chance that none of these users have been victims of cybercrimes. And this is why news regarding how we can prevent them from happening to us are very prevalent nowadays.

Prevention will always be the best weapon again such unwanted events. GlobalSign, as one of the largest trust services providers with global presence, offers a one-stop solution for all security concerns. GlobalSign's comprehensive product line ranges from SSL certificates to client certificates (Personal Sign, Document Sign, PDF Signing, Email Authentication) for both individual and enterprise use. GlobalSign certificates are protected by the highest encryption level available leaving customers with no security concerns. By partnering with the industry's largest names, GlobalSign is able to deliver timely and reliable solutions, and is still continuously coming up with new technologies which will revolutionize online data protection.
The GlobalSign team will be happy to assist you on your industry/business-specific needs. Visit www.globalsign.com.sg to know more about the solutions we offer. You may request a custom quote or send an inquiry to sales-apac@globalsign.com.

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